James Romeo… The earthen mounds still show the remnants of Fort Anderson, 150 years after The Civil War. This site is one part to understanding the Wilmington Campaign and the fall of the confederacy. The fort was built upon the ruins of Brunswick Town, nearly 90 years after the town was razed by British Forces during the American Revolution. The story of St. Philips Church, on this site, was very interesting to read about. It is amazing that the walls still stand strong to this day, over 250 years since construction was completed.
Joseph Caylor… Located just south of Wilmington on the Cape Fear River, this historic site is significant for two important eras of American history. As you walk through the site, you encounter a sense of timelessness from the abandoned church as well as the trail leading to the river. Both the British and Confederates held this site in high regard, and you can too once you see this great place for yourself.